The deviance of the Neo-Hanbalis.


The phenomenon of the New Hanbalis only began to develop after the time of Shaikhs Ibn Baaz, Uthaimeen, Al Albani and Muqbil.

When the people of innovation saw their deaths and saw the weakness of Ahlus Sunnah they did the following:

  1. They told the people to study a Madhab which in its origin is good. Shaikhs Ibn Baaz, Al Albani, Uthaimeen and Shaikh Fawzaan (who is still alive) all studied from Madhahib. HOWEVER, what those who had ulterior motives did was to:

i. Steer people away from the statements of the above scholars regarding the same Fiqh issues under the guise of “the Madhab”. This is although the leading scholars of the Hanbali Madhab were and still are in Saudi Arabia.

ii. Revive the innovation of Madhab Partisanship. To the point that the elder scholars, dead or alive, were spoken ill of because they went against the “established stance” of the Madhab.

So we have two things here: Steer people away from the elder scholars and introduce blind partisanship and taqleed. This went to the point that these inexperienced, arrogant and ignorant “students” began to speak ill of Shaikh Ul Islam Ibn Taymeeyah although much of the later statements of the Madhab is based on the specific stances of Ibn Taymeeyah.

  1. They then began saying that there is such a thing called Hanbali ‘Aqeedah. This is compounded ignorance to the hilt. As there are three schools that claim to be Ahlus Sunnah, with two of them i.e the Maturidi and Ashari creeds being based on philosophical rhetoric, and the Salafi creed (based upon the creed of the earliest generations of Muslims) who are truly Ahlus Sunnah.

Then claiming the following which are as false as the blood on the clothing of the son of Yaquub (Jacob):

  1. That Ibn Qudama didn’t believe that Allah’s descriptions had a meaning, which is the way of the Jahmeeyah.
  2. That Shaikh Ibn Uthaimeen saw the Asharis and Maturidis as Ahlus Sunnah. When there are many audios and statements that clarify the opposite.
  3. That supplication to the dead is an issue of difference of opinion.

My dear brothers and sisters, Neo-Hanbalism, is nothing but an attempt to deviate the Muslims from the ‘Aqeedah and methodology of the early Muslims. Beware of such individuals who have neither sat under the scholars nor take their advice but rather speak ill of them and proceed to follow ignorant leaders who speak without knowledge.

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